If you are wondering how to shop with Bitcoin on Etsy then you’ve come to the right place.  This short guide will show you how easy it is to spend your cryptocurrency on unique, handmade items from vendors around the world.

Alright, let’s get started!

Step One: Find Shops that Accept Bitcoin / Other Coins

Not every shop will accept Bitcoin as payment, but a good place to start looking is the list of sellers in this thread. Each of these shops is set up to accept Bitcoin and make the process as smooth as possible. You can also just look for items you want and then contact the seller to see if they accept crypto-payments. If they are interested but not sure how, you can refer them to my Guide to Accepting Bitcoin.

Step Two: Checkout Using the “Other” Payment Method

When you find the item(s) you want to buy, click the orange “Add to Cart” button. Make sure you don’t click “Buy it Now,” as this won’t allow you to pay with Bitcoin.  You will be taken to a screen showing the items in your cart and asking you to select “How You’ll Pay.”  Be sure to choose the “Other” payment method. This will allow you to checkout on Etsy without using a credit card. Click on “Place Your Order” to finalize the transaction.

Step Three: Pay with Bitcoin

After you checkout, the seller will send you his or her wallet address with the Bitcoin payment amount. If you want to pay with another coin, just reply to the email and discuss it with the seller. If they accept Bitcoin, they will probably be open to receiving other coins as well. My letterpress shop currently accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Waves, and several others.

Now that you know how easy it is, it’s time to go shopping! If you have any questions or if you found this guide helpful, I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

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